Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bergquists Visit Australia

 Our good friends, Kurt, Desiree, Grant (6) and Camden (9) Bergquist joined us at Hamilton Island for two weeks of fun in the Whitsunday Islands of Australia. After a few days of enjoying the pools at Hamilton Island, we headed out to explore the surrounding islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

We anchored for ten nights - some nights rocking in the swell, others as calm as a lake.We found a few great snorkel spots (Luncheon Bay and Blue Pearl Bay were two favorites) and the Bergquist boys were blown away by the colors, size, and variety of fish. SCUBA diving was a bit disappointing though. With the large, full moon, the tidal swings were great, causing poor visibility at the dive sites.

One of the highlights was spending a couple of days anchored at Hardy Reef - fifteen miles out to sea from the islands. At high tide with no reef in sight, it felt like we were anchored in the middle of the ocean. Fantasea, a tourist ferry system, has anchored a large pontoon platform at the reef that can hold up to 400 people on day trips for snorkeling and diving the reef. Located in a marine park where they've been feeding the fish for over twenty years, Reef World (as it is called) had plenty of gigantic fish to view. The most famous resident is George - a nine foot, 450 pound grouper who was bigger than the boys! We were able to enjoy the Reef World after hours, with no tourists and four crew who stay on the platform for five days at a stretch. They enjoyed our beer while the kids enjoyed the slide!

Other activities included hiking, tubing, fishing (Camden caught the only fish!), and lots of playing in the tropical water. It was a vacation we will all remember with huge smiles!