Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rite of Passage

When your kid turns sixteen and gets his driver’s license, there’s that sense of relief because you no longer need to retain the “bus driver” title, coupled with  worry because you no longer know for sure where he is and that he will return home safely. On the boat, we have a similar situation.

When at anchor, transportation is required to go ANYWHERE – even if it’s just for a walk. So our dinghy is our lifeline to other boats, land and snorkel spots. Whenever Bear wants to see friends (which is always) we drive him on over. Well, today that all changed. Eric blew up the eight foot, inflatable dinghy with a 2.5 hp motor (which is much easier to manage than the fifteen foot Boston whaler propelled by 60 hp), gave Bear operating and safety instructions and set him free! Off he went to see friends on s/v Stray Kitty and to shore to swim in the pool. We haven’t seen him in hours….

Even though he’s only nine, life is simpler here….and it just got simpler for us!