Saturday, June 26, 2010

Scuba Bear

Next Tuesday is Bear's birthday and yesterday he got his present from Mom and Dad early. We got him a junior size scuba outfit, including a tank and BC (the back pack type rig that holds the tank and equipment). He is too young to officially train and become scuba certified, but he is a natural. We are using a formal training manual and following their training program, but we have to do it ourselves. Yesterday, we did his training dive with his own equipment. We take diving safety very seriously and even though he can not be "legal" until he is 10 yrs old, he can still begin learning and dive with us in shallow safe conditions.

There are two dive master instructors on boats the we frequently see and they are helping and keeping an eye on our progress. Bear is very focused on his diving and is really doing a good job studying the training and technical materials. This week, he has changed his future career from pilot to dive master. What's next?