Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meet the Crew

The initial leg of our Pacific crossing to the Marquesas will be approximately 3000 nautical miles and should take us around 17 days. We will have 5 adults and Bear aboard for this passage. Karl Matson- Dekay, Lindy Howe, and Jeff Howe will join us in Puerto Vallarta and make the crossing.

Karl has many years of sailing experience and he and his family live aboard their sailboat, 4 PACK. He also has a Coast Guard 50 ton Master certificate. Our families shared a house in Bucerias last fall and we have spent much of the last year togther in Mexico.

Jeff Howe was the President of Colonial Craft and we worked togther for many years. He and Lindy have sailed for many years in Maine and most recently had a 40' sailboat in Bayfield, Wisconsin. They have also done extended passages with us in recent years.

Our plan is to divide the day and night into 4 hour watches, with Karl, Jeff, Lindy and Eric doing formal watches. This will give us 4 hours 'on' and 12 hours 'off'. This is a luxurious travel schedule for any boat. Ann will not take a formal watch so she can keep Bear's school schedule as normal as possible and generally keep our household in order. Bear has started to stand watches and has even done a 45 minute night watch. He will be filling in and helping us all out.