Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Gold Bear

We, on Oso Blanco, (Ann, Eric and me, Bear) went to a gold mine in Walhalla, Oz. The mine tunnel was about 10 feet, 3 meters, across and about 5-12 feet high. We had to wear hard hats it was so low!
Inside the tunnel

Did you know that back then it took one week to make one meter of tunnel? The way they made the tunnel was like this. One person had a drill bit (metal rod), the other had a big mallet and they made a hole by whacking it. They filled it with gun powder, lit it and ran for the door!

The thing I liked the most was the fact that man can go so deep -1000 meters! The thing liked the least was the cramped conditions. I actually bolted for the door but I (surprisingly) went back in. And I loved it!

A miner's life was bad. There were 8 ways to die! That is a bad life!

The adventure was fun and I learned a lot. It was a once in a life time experience.